9 Responses to “Getting Fresh with Robert Parker…and Tigger”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by David Flaherty, Wine Lover. Wine Lover said: Getting Fresh with Robert Parker…and Tigger: Ilkka Sirén is one hilarious dude.  Although he lives across the gl… http://bit.ly/hT76QK […]

  2. Wine Lover says:

    Getting Fresh with Robert Parker…and Tigger: Ilkka Sirén is one hilarious dude.  Although he lives across the gl… http://bit.ly/hT76QK

  3. NEW POST: @ilkka_siren, my Finnish brotha from another motha, gets dirty with both Robert Parker & Tigger in one go: http://bit.ly/g0vj27

  4. Winebuzz.hk says:

    Getting Fresh with Robert Parker…and Tigger http://bit.ly/hzpSEt

  5. Hilarious. RT @grapesandgrains: @ilkka_siren gets hot and heavy with both Robert Parker & Tigger in one swoop: http://bit.ly/g0vj27

  6. Ilkka Sirén says:

    Hehe, our relations is a mystery =D

  7. Ilkka, the solution will involve the following: a detailed geneological chart, a plethora of Northern Italian Whites, a slew of Piedmontese Micro-Brew and a lot of charcuterie. Oh, and a camera and a scantily-clad nurse.

  8. Ken ✔ says:

    Getting Fresh with Robert Parker…and Tigger | Grapes and Grains: http://bit.ly/hzpSEt #wine

  9. michele says:

    that's hot. Getting Fresh with Robert Parker…and Tigger – http://bit.ly/eMFqjg

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